Claudio Voarino - Clinical Nutrition and Herbalism Consultant  -  Dip. (C.N.C) Dip. (Cl. H.) Dip. (Med. H.) Dip. (H. Sc.) Cert. (F.H.)

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Back To Nature For A Healthier And Longer Life
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
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By Claudio Voarino
What this book is all about
This book is not meant for conservative, conformist individuals, as it challenges almost everything that has been said, written, taught, and broadcast on the subjects of nutrition, health, longevity, as well as degenerative diseases - their prevention, treatment and cure. It contains vital information on how to prevent or treat these illnesses by using natural means. It is neither for those people who accept the ‘three score and ten’ belief; nor for the fatalists who think good and poor health have everything to do with the ‘luck of the draw’, ‘genetic inheritance’, and/or ‘Divine Will’. Also, if you are one of those people who tends to believe what you read in textbooks, possess the will to believe as opposed to the will to find out for yourself, this book is not for you! In fact, this book is a debunker; it exposes well-established nutrition and health myths, stereotypes, misconceptions, and lies constantly drummed into us by those individuals, governments, organizations, big businesses, and multinational corporations that stand to lose billions of dollars should vital truths and facts about nutrition and health become public knowledge. I am perfectly aware this work is most likely to fall on deaf ears; therefore, I am not writing it to try to convince anybody to follow any particular diet or lifestyle, as doing so would be a waste of time. No. My main purpose for writing it is to expose and debunk some of the major nutrition and health myths, misconceptions, and lies which have been - and still are now more than ever - the main reason why degenerative illnesses have acquired epidemic proportions, especially in Western industrialised countries.
In my opinion, Back To Nature For A Healthier And Longer Life is important because it is based on worldwide scientific studies and research conducted by independent, world-renowned, highly qualified health, nutrition, and medical scientists, biochemists, biologists, anthropologists, - each and every one holding MA., Ph.D., D.Sc., MD., and/or ND degrees and doctorates. Furthermore, health scientists such as, for example, Dr Robert D. Willix, Dr Norman W. Walker, Dr T. Colin Campbell, Dr David Collison, Dean Ornish, M .D., Dr John McDougall, David Blyweiss, M.D., and Arthur M. Baker, M.A., B. A., have spent most of their lives researching degenerative illnesses and the strong links they have with nutrition and lifestyle. But, most important of all, none of these illustrious professionals have ever been on the Board of Directors or payroll of any pharmaceutical drug manufacturer and/or food industry!
Unfortunately, myths, misconceptions and deliberate lies are found in almost all fields of human endeavour, including nutrition and health ones. Below is a list of some of these myths and colossal lies:
  • Only animal protein can build big strong muscles.
  • Humans were meant to eat meat .
  • Amino acids derived from animal protein are different from amino acids derived from plant protein.
  • Meat is food for the brain.
  • We (humans) are omnivores.
  • Processed cows’ milk and dairy products are the best sources of calcium.
  • Cow’s milk is a good substitute for mother’s milk .
  • If we don’t drink cows’ milk and eat other dairy products we will contract osteoporosis.
  • We were meant to eat cooked foods.
  • A raw food diet is an unhealthy diet.
  • We cannot remain healthy and strong on a vegetarian or vegan diet .
  • Degenerative illnesses cannot be prevented .
  • The cause of degenerative diseases is not known.
  • We die when our time is up.
  • Health and disease are the result of good or bad luck.
  • Human lifespan is three score and ten.
  • Diseases have little or nothing to do with our daily diet, lifestyle, and other environmental factors.
  • Our genes determine our health status and lifespan.
  • Cancer cannot be prevented.
  • Cancer cannot be cured by any kind of alternative medicine treatment.
  • Surgery, chemotherapy, and the radiation treatment are the best post-surgery therapies available.
  • The cause of cancer is unknown.
  • Alzheimer’s disease is caused by old age.
  • All sugars are equally unhealthy.
  • A low carbohydrate diet is very healthy.
  • Exposure to the sun causes skin cancer.
  • Soft drinks are not unhealthy.
  • Sugar - including fruit sugar and organic raw honey - are the main cause of diabetes and hypoglycaemia.
  • Regular anti-flu injections protect us from influenza.
  • Mandatory multiple infant and school vaccinations are a necessity.
This nutrition and health list of errors isn’t a complete one by any means. For example, here is what American fourth grader students are made to learn about nutrition:
  • MILK GROUP (Build strong bones and teeth.)
  • MEAT GROUP (Build strong muscles.)
  • VEGETABLE GROUP (Help you see in the dark.)
  • FRUIT GROUP (Help heal cuts and bruises.)
  • GRAIN GROUP (Give us energy.)
It is a fact that a high consumption of animal flesh (together with heavy physical exercise) gives us big muscles. But big muscles are of no use ‘six feet under’, as a premature death is often the result of those people who forgot they are neither carnivores nor omnivores! I have dedicated two full chapters to this topic, which will also show that big muscles can also be obtained on a plant-based diet - a diet that doesn’t lead to an early grave. Regarding the misconception that cow’s milk is needed for strong bones, recent studies have shown that Americans in general consume more cow’s milk and its products per person than most population in the world. So they should have very strong bones, right? Wrong! In fact American women aged fifty and older have one of the highest rate of hip fractures in the world! Likewise, the Eskimos who consume 1000 to 2000 milligrams of calcium daily, have the highest rate of osteoporosis-related bone fractures in the world! By comparison, certain African people (the Bantu) who consume less than 300 mg. per day, have little or no osteoporosis, and the same can be said about the Japanese and other Asians. Chapter Six of this book is full of information on this topic. As for the asinine things taught in American schools about the vegetables, fruit, and grain groups, I will have much to say in the next chapters.
At this point, some readers may wonder just where did I manage to gather all the information used in this work. Well, one thing is for sure, I didn’t just wake up one morning and, out of the blue, feel a strong urge to compile it. No! Back To Nature For A Healther And Longer Life is the result of twenty years of research, studies, observation, and self-experimentation on nutritional and health matters. And from then to the present day I managed to cure myself of at least half a dozen of illnesses. In fact, one of them required surgical treatment - at least, this is what I was told by the two different doctors - one of them a specialist. Fortunately, by that time I had acquired quite a good knowledge, not only on the vital importance of correct nutrition and lifestyle, but of natural remedies and therapies as well. Therefore, I decided against surgery. This was a smart move because, as a surgeon told me a couple of years later ‘that kind of surgery is a messy one, and you could have ended up impotent’.
Now, twenty years later, I have come to fully realize that, in view of the ill health symptoms I started getting when I was still gorging myself with meat, eggs, and sugar-ridden foods, and gulping down processed cows’ milk, by now I could have been ‘pushing up daisies’ for the past decade! Fortunately, I managed to ‘step out of the box’, so to speak, and take control of my own health. And I strongly suggest other people do the same; because, as sure as death, in our plutocratic world, governments and big businesses certainly aren’t going to do it for us, as doing so would cut very deeply into their colossal profits! In other words, people who value their health and wellbeing, should try their very best to escape the ‘sickness industry’ - if not for themselves, at least for their children - as failure to do so, will sooner or later damage their health and shorten their life-spans.
Having said all the above, I certainly don’t wish to minimize the importance of orthodox medicine. For example, thanks to the medical advances made in the last 100-odd years, most of the devastating epidemics of previous centuries, such as cholera, typhoid, smallpox, and tuberculosis are no longer common these days. Also, because of organ transplantation and other marvels of modern surgery, some people have had their lives substantially extended; not to mention the great multitude of world-wide victims of accidents who would have died but for the amazing advances in surgery and a few other fields of orthodox (allopathic) medicine.
Naturally, those who follow Nature’s laws of human nutrition and health - by primarily eating enough raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains and beans - as well as getting enough sun, clean water, and fresh air - wouldn’t need to undergo any kind of surgical treatment and/or taking pharmaceutical drugs. (This barring accidents, of course.) Having said that, when it comes to diseases of degeneration, I wouldn’t recommend to anyone see a General Practitioner, unless he/she also hold a tertiary education in one or more fields of natural medicine. Unfortunately for our health, you are very unlikely to find a medical doctor who has that kind of qualification.
People should be aware of the difference between an ‘acute’ disease and a ‘chronic’ one. The former comes on abruptly and runs a short, severe course, while the latter lasts for a prolonged time and may come and go. Incidentally, all chronic illnesses have within themselves the potential of becoming acute illnesses. An acute illnesses requires immediate medical attention due to its life threatening possibilities. Some acute diseases include kidney, liver, and lung failure, myocardial infarction, and rapid-spreading infections. When this happens, natural treatment and remedies do not, in general, act fast enough to save the patient's life. Of course, there are natural, herbal antibiotics, which can be used to treat a bacterial or viral infection, but in severe cases, conventional, doctor-prescribed antibiotics are urgently needed! In other words, chronic illnesses can be prevented, or treated using a combination of the right food and medicinal herbs, but acute illnesses are generally the domain of orthodox medicine.
In regards to herbal medicine, when taken in the prescribed dosage, almost all herbs are quite safe, and don’t have any side effects. However, in certain cases some herbs are not recommended, especially to women who are pregnant or nursing - and young children and the elderly should use low-dose formulas. Also, if you are on any kinds of medications, I urge you to consult your doctor before taking any herbal or any other types of naturopathic remedies. Likewise, if you have been diagnosed with a cardiovascular disease, in particular, you shouldn’t start any physical exercise before consulting a medical practitioner. Finally, relying on orthodox medicine when in fact you need a natural therapist is certainly not a wise thing to do. But, opting for any type of natural therapy, when in fact (especially in the case of an acute disease) you are in urgent need of a medical doctor, could cost our life! Incidentally, there are other health problems which require general practitioners or even medical specialists. In fact, apart from surgery, there are many other branches of allopathic medicine which could save our lives.
Degenerative Diseases
In view of the fact that throughout this book I will often use the term ‘degenerative diseases’, a terminological clarification is in order. A degenerative disease is a health condition in which the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs will progressively deteriorate. These diseases, which were never part of Nature’s evolutionary plans, are the result of many years, or decades of unnatural eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle. Fortunately, there is hardly a degenerative illness which cannot be prevented, or if treated on time, even cured by the combination of natural, healthy foods, medicinal herbs, clean water, and pure air. Degenerative diseases cannot be found anywhere in Nature; therefore, it doesn’t take a genius to realize they are man-made. These diseases are the result of many years, and even decades, of malnutrition and faulty living; therefore, they cannot be cured overnight; nevertheless, many of them can be cured, as long as their caused are permanently removed.
There is little doubt that the greatest disease threat to modern Man comes from those diseases which can be best described as ‘degenerative’. Although improved hygiene has contributed to the eradication of many infectious and other diseases, and modern medicine deals effectively with fractures and accidents, we don’t really live much longer at all. And even if we do, our later years are mostly spent in feeble decay. The main reasons for this are eating an unnatural, unhealthy nutritional diet, living an unhealthy lifestyle, and environmental pollution. To be sure, while we have made great advances in some areas, we have also alarmingly regressed in many others - especially in the case of nutrition. And this is mainly because of the worldwide ignorance and apathy of the masses, as well as the powerful interests which control the ’sickness industry’!
These days governments and private companies invest billions of dollars in medical research, but the more they spend, the poorer our health becomes! The main reasons for this dire situation are explained by John Robbins in his book, Reclaiming Our Health: “The denial of the fact that orthodox Western Medicine has few answers to cancer keeps a dysfunctional system in place. It keeps the public marching obediently and blindly through treatments that often mutilate without providing benefit. It prevents the public support for alternative treatment approaches from building to sufficient levels of intensity to create real change. It keeps public outrage from demanding that tobacco advertisements be curtailed, carcinogenic chemicals restricted, and the hazards of radiation made fully public ... It allows people to merrily munch on their hot dogs and junk food, naively trusting that when they become ill the medical technocracy will be there to take care of things. And it keeps money rolling into the organizations that have already spent billions of dollars of public funds in pursuit of a victory that has never really materialized.” Although this statement refers to cancer in particular, it is also valid for all other kinds of diseases of degeneration.
Degenerative diseases are more diseases of ‘affluence’ than diseases of ‘poverty’. That is, the former affect primarily the wealthy and ruling classes of the First World Countries, while the latter are the scourge of the poor in both the First and Third World Countries. (Incidentally, the people of these countries are poor because they have been overexploited for centuries by the major Western countries.) Affluence comes at a price - a very high price, which is widespread sickness and premature death for many millions of people from all walks of life! Be that as it may, on the whole the people of the euphemistically called ‘developing’ countries are in many ways healthier than those who live in the U.S., the U.K., Finland, Australia, Netherlands, France, Canada, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Irland, Germany, Norway, and Switzerland. At least, this is what some health statistics clearly show. (Here it would be more correct to use the word ‘disease’ instead of ‘health’.
Medical science may have eliminated most of the dangers of bacterial infections but, unfortunately it has done little for many millions of people - especially in the so-called advanced nations - who are more than ever afflicted with degenerative illnesses, most of which are still unknown in the so-called developing countries. Oddly enough, as far as orthodox medicine is concerned, degenerative diseases do not exist! This is why all the medical dictionaries I consulted say nothing or very little about this important subject. Here, it doesn’t take a genius to understand that, should the strong link between degenerative diseases and diet be made known to the public, the giant pharmaceutical and food industries would stand to lose billions of dollars! I leave it to the intelligent reader to work out why.
Two Oustanding Physicians of the Distant Past
According to most medical dictionaries, Hippocrates, (460 – 377 B.C.) was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine. He was the founder of the Hippocratic School of Medicine, which greatly influenced medical science until the 18th Century. Hippocrates was a very prominent physician, who travelled widely in Greece and Asia Minor. In my opinion, Hippocrates was the most outstanding physician in the history of ‘natural healing’. In old times, the healing profession wasn’t called ‘medicine’; it was called ‘physics’ (from the Greek word ‘physis’, meaning nature). Physicians were professors of physics or philosophers of nature. ‘Medicine’, from the Latin word ‘medico’, means the ‘treatment of disease with drugs’, while true Hippocratic Physicians didn’t care about disease itself, but about the patient as a whole. In other words, they used the ‘holistic’ method of treating and curing illnesses. As Australian Clinical Ecologist, Dr David Collison, MB., BS., PhD., put it: “Dietetics was the cornerstone of Hippocratic therapy. The Greek concept of diet included much more than nutrition. It incorporated a person’s entire mode of living: the relationship between rest and exercise, sleep and waking, the choice and quantity of food, cleanliness, and patterns of excretion. Hippocratic researchers paid exacting attention to the effect s of innumerable foods, solid and liquid, raw and cooked, on the human body, in health and disease.” Natural health care is as old as humankind, as for many centuries humans have turned to special diets, plants, acupuncture and many other natural treatments and cures. Unfortunately, for people’s health, in many countries in general, and in the United States in particular, natural therapies have been cast aside since the late 19th century by ‘orthodox’ (‘mainstream’) medicine.
The biggest difference between natural and orthodox health care is that the latter relies heavily on the use of powerful drugs to directly attack or ‘kill’ diseases, whereas the former uses various natural methods and therapies in order to strengthen the body so it can fight the disease itself. In other words, natural treatments aim at removing the cause/s of disease, whereas orthodox medicine aims at eliminating or mitigating their worst effects. Unfortunately for the patients, more often than not, pharmaceutical drugs are either inefficient or cause more damage to the human body than the disease itself!
Returning to the great Hippocrates, he was a holistic natural therapist, not a doctor! As such, he had very little in common with orthodox medical practitioners. Therefore, for this reason and others, it is wrong to call him the father of ‘medicine’ - be it Western or Eastern! If Hippocrates lived in our present time, he would admire the effective way modern medicine deals with most ‘acute’ illnesses such as heart attacks or life-threatening bacterial infections; but he certainly would strongly disagree with the ‘poison, burn, and cut methods’ used by orthodox/mainstream medicine to treat ‘chronic’ illnesses.
The following immortal statements made by Hippocrates about 2400 years ago, which show his understanding of the positive correlation between vibrant health and optimum nutrition, are even more relevant today than they were during his life:

“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings ...”.

“Let food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food.”

“The gods do not send illness to men. Men bring it on themselves.”

“There are, in effect, two things: to know and to believe one now. To know is science. To believe one knows is ignorance.”

“He who does not know food, how can he understand the diseases of Man?”

“It seems to me to be necessary for every physician to be skilled in nature and to strive to know, if he wants to perform his duties, what man is in relation to the food and drinks that he consume and to all his other occupations, as well as their effect on everyone else. Because if he doesn’t know what effect these things have on a man, he cannot know the consequences that result from them. If he doesn’t pay attention to these things, or paying attention doesn’t understand them, how can he understand the diseases that befall man? For man is affected by every one of these things and changed by them in numerous ways. The whole of his life is subjected to them, whether in health, convalescence or diseases. Nothing else, therefore, can be more important than to know these things.”

But Hippocrates’ genius didn’t end at nutrition and health, as the following quotation proves:

“Man should be fully aware of the fact that it is from the brain and from the brain only that our feelings of joy, of pleasure, of laughter arise as well our sorrow, our pain, our grief and our tears. We are thinking with the brain, and we can see and hear, and we are able to draw a distinction between ugliness and beauty, bad and good, and what is pleasant and unpleasant.”

The fact that Hippocrates made the above statements at a time when science and technology were still in their embryonic form, and he had no computers or any other kind of electrical, electronic, optical, or mechanical equipment, leaves no doubt about his superior intelligence, knowledge, power of reason, and wisdom!
Most unfortunately for our health, and that of our loved ones, Hippocrates’ great wisdom has generally been ignored by orthodox medicine which, against all evidence, still persists in disregarding the very strong link between our daily diet and our health status. Sadly, as long as medicine is run as a multi-billion dollar business, this deplorable state of affairs will continue to exist. Because of this, the so-called Hippocratic Oath taken by all new medical doctors, should be renamed the ‘hypocritical’ oath. Of course, things were quite different during Hippocrates’ life, as he lived in some sort of democracy, not in a plutocracy as we do!
Sun Simiao (King of Chinese Medicine)
Sun Simiao (581-682 A.D.) was a child prodigy. He had mastered the Chinese classics by age 20 and then became a well-known medical practitioner. He developed nutritional medicine. His biography describes him as an extraordinary talented and clever man. He is considered by many to be the first to have presented issues related to the ethics of medical treatment, depicting the characteristics of a great physician and cautioning physicians about behaviour that was inappropriate to their profession. He stressed that patients should be treated equally, regardless of rank, wealth, age, or beauty.
Sun Simiao recorded his experience with herb formulas and his knowledge of medicine in his famous 30 volume work, Prescriptions for Emergencies Worth a Thousand Gold (Beiji Qianjin Yaofang), printed in 652 A.D. His book was not merely a collection of formulas (of which there were an astonishing 4,500), but a treatise on medical practice. He was also a great herbalist. Here are five of Sun Simiao’s advisory quotations.

“Medicine is intention. Those who are proficient at using intention are good doctors.”

“First, modify the patient's diet and lifestyle and only then, if these do not effect a cure, treat with medicines and acupuncture.”

“Whenever a great physician treats diseases, he has to be mentally calm and his disposition firm. He should not give way to wishes and desires, but has to develop first a marked attitude of compassion. He should commit himself firmly to the willingness to take the effort to save every living creature.”

“Above all, I will keep an open heart. As I move on the right path I will receive great happiness as a reward without asking for anything in return.”

“Doctors should first understand the cause of disease, then treat it with diet. Medicine should only be used if diet fails.”

No doubt, if Hippocrates and Sun Simiao’s nutritional and medical advices had been put into practice, millions of lives would have been saved! Unfortunately orthodox medicine deliberately ignored these important recommendations, and still ignores them now!
Natural Hygiene
‘Hygiene’ is properly defined as that branch of biology which designates the conditions upon which health depends and the means by which it may be sustained in all its virtue and purity while we have it, and the means upon which its restoration rests when we have lost it, It is the scientific application of the principles of Nature in the preservation and restoration of health. ‘Hygienic’ means ‘health preserving’. Unlike all other health professionals, Natural Hygienic practitioners do not treat, heal, cure, or give drugs, but teach people how to stay healthy and how to prevent disease by following Nature’s nutrition and health laws. In other words, they are hygienic health care practitioners and educators, who specialise in preventing diseases, not necessarily curing them.
Natural Hygienist Arthur Michael Baker M.A., B.A., NHE is a natural health educator, publisher, author, producer, and former Dean at Life Science Institute, Austin, Texas. He enrolled nearly 1000 students over a two year period into the original Natural Hygiene correspondence course developed by T.C. Fry. Arthur is the founder of Self-Health Care System - a natural health organization. After reading one of his articles and scholarly written book, Awakening Our Self Healing Body, I can say that I learned more from his writings than everything else I read on nutrition and health in the past twenty years! Here are some of his eye-opening and highly informative quotations:

“Hygienic Self-Health Care has no ‘magic bullets’ to sell. No wonder drugs, herbs or panaceas that promise to create well-being. Instead, Hygiene points to our biological adaptation and the underlying laws of physiology that provide guidance in attaining and preserving health.”

“We should put in our body pure water, fresh air, enough sunlight, and a diet predominating in fresh, raw fruit, with a moderate amount of fresh, raw vegetables, nuts, and seeds.”

“Determining our natural diet is not a matter of belief - for its basis lies in scientific fact regarding our biological, biochemical, anatomical, and physiological features.”

“By fully understanding the physiological processes that accompany food digestion and absorption, proper dietary habits can be scientifically determined.”

“Animals in nature live in accord with their biological heritage and eat according to their natural diet. They do not develop chronic diseases - they live out their normal lifespan and die a relatively peaceful, painless, natural death.”

“Our natural diet is primarily based on a study of comparative anatomy and physiology that sees to establish the biological class of animals to which humans naturally belong in order to determine our true dietary character and requirements.”

I agree with the above statements which clearly indicate that, in order to find out whether we humans classify as carnivores, omnivores, herbivores, or frugivores, we need to see which foods gorillas, chimpanzees, orang-utans, gibbons, and various monkeys eat in the wild. The fact that these animals belong to the Mammal Class and the Primate Order, as we do, is an indication that they are anatomically and physiologically very similar to us. Especially from a physiological point of view, the orang-utan more closely resemble to us. In fact, our DNA genetic material is over 95% identical than that of the orang-utan! Much more will be said about this subject in the next chapters.
Against Nature
As the title of this section implies, the great majority of degenerative illnesses and related premature deaths are the direct cause of people going ‘against Nature’ by braking its nutrition and health laws on a regular basis. This is the vitally important truth which, due to ignorance, apathy, and/or greed, has generally been ignored by the great majority of people worldwide, with dire consequences for their health and well-being. Come to think of it, even all man-caused accidents are the result of going against nature. For example, Nature made no provision for people to travel in cars, ride on motorbikes, or fly on airplanes. Therefore, whenever we do so we go against Nature, thus risking injury and death, as shown by the billions of accidents which occur worldwide every year. Here, I am not at all implying we should return to the Stone Age. Although, from a nutritional point of view, the Stone Age diet was immeasurably healthier for humans than the modern diet!
Speaking metaphorically there exists in this world a little known book, the writing of which started about 4.5 billion? years ago - it is the Nutrition and Health Book of Nature. This is undoubtedly the most important book ever ‘written’, as it deals with our survival as both individuals and as a race. The pages of this book are spread everywhere around us, and we can all read it for free! In it we can find everything we need to stay in good health (and barring accidents) to die of natural causes at the end of a long active life. Fortunately for those who care about their health and longevity, this Nutrition and Health book of Nature, cannot be banned or destroyed by the ‘sickness industry’, otherwise it would have ceased to exist many years ago! There is no doubt that if we abided by this book, we could very well live up to 120-130 years old.
One of the greatest displays of natural laws in action can be seen soon after a heavy rainfall. That is, plants which for months of ‘getting by’ or just ‘surviving’ being watered with tap water, become alive after a good rain. Yes, in many cases vegetables, flowers, and fruit trees, for example, will manage to survive on chemical-riddled tap water. Likewise, because of the tremendous power of adaptation of the human body, people will survive (and a few of them will even reach a very old age) on unnatural, unhealthy foods and drinks. However, they do so, not because of their faulty diet, but in spite of it! (Yes, yes, most of us have heard the story about Joe Smith who managed to survive up to 100 years of age, in spite of smoking cigarettes on a regular basis.) But, this book is not about ‘getting by’ or merely surviving. That is, I didn’t spend many years of research and experimentation on myself, just to write another mainstream book about nutrition and health. No. Back To Nature For A Heathier And Longer Life isn’t just about ‘getting by’, but about staying out of hospital as long as possible and, hopefully, living a longer and healthier life.
It may come as a surprise to some people that every living creature on Earth - from the 139 micrometers long male parasitic wasp, to the blue whale, which measures about 130 meters in length - eat, drink and live in strict accordance with the laws of Nature. Laws which suit their physiological and anatomical characteristics. Thus, Carnivores (dogs, cats, lions, tigers, wolves, etc.) feed on other animals raw flesh; but even they cannot thrive on an all meat diet. Cattle, rabbits, horses, sheep, and other Herbivores eat a raw leaf/grass diet. Frugivores, such as gorillas, monkeys, chimpanzee, and orangutans thrive mainly on raw fruits, fruit-like vegetables, roots, shoots, nuts, and seeds. Omnivores, (rats, pigs, bears, hogs, etc) eat almost any raw kind of food. Insectivores, such as ant-eaters, amphibians, and other insects, thrive on raw insects. Finally, gramnivores - especially birds - feed mostly on raw grains and various grasses. All these animals have become biologically adapted to their respective diets and, unlike humans, eat everything raw. Here, it is significant to note that Nature made no allowance for any cooked foods. Therefore, eating this kind of food on a regular basis is unnatural and can lead to disease and premature ageing. For example, domesticated animals who are regularly fed canned cooked foods are very likely to contract one or more of the same degenerative illnesses which have become so common amongst us. (Incidentally, if you wish your pets to live a healthier and longer life, I suggest you feed them enough dried food, and certainly not the cooked, highly processed, canned type. However, if you do so, don’t forget to supply your pets with an adequate amount of fresh water.)
In their natural environment, animals don’t die prematurely as the result of illness. No! Unlike the overwhelming majority of people, they die naturally of old age. If people were wise and rational enough to compare their physiological and anatomical characteristics with those of other members of the Animal Kingdom, they would find out what they were meant to feed on. Unfortunately, for their health, people are generally reluctant to learn from Nature and the other members of the Animal Kingdom, and keep deluding themselves they are something special, something outside and above Nature and all the other living creatures. This is mainly because the human brain, though responsible for all of humankind’s amazing scientific and technological advances, has also invented all kinds of irrational, foolish and dangerous ideas and beliefs. Beliefs which have led humankind to stray from Nature. Some people may be highly educated, with all kinds of diplomas and degrees coming out of their ears, so to speak, but they still have to learn (and it is very doubtful they will ever do so) the two most vital truths about their individual life and health, as well as their survival as a race:
  1. By regularly eating foods Nature never meant for us to eat and/or by adopting an unnatural lifestyle, sooner or later we will fall victim to one or more degenerative diseases and shorten our natural life-spans.

  2. By continuing to pollute and destroy our ecological environment, we will eventually jeopardize the existence of all life on this planet!
The unpalatable truth is that, unlike every other animal species in the world, we don’t live in harmony with Nature. In other words, we don’t really fit in. In fact, we are misfits and an ecological catastrophe waiting to happen! We don’t eat to live, like all other species of the Animal Kingdom - but we live to eat. This is the main reason why we only live an average of about 70-75 years, instead of 100-130 or more. And we still have to learn that our lives are strictly governed by the laws of natural nutrition - if we break them, we will certainly pay the penalty for doing so. This penalty is widespread sickness and premature death; for, in the long run, no type or quantity of pharmaceutical, or so-called natural, remedies will be able to cure us. As an example (and there are hundreds of them), if we expose ourselves to carcinogens, we will be likely to contract cancer. And carcinogen substances are in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the clothes we wear, the personal care products we use, most of the medications we take, and the water we bathe in. In other words, almost everything we consume, and everything we do - or are exposed to - can cause cancer or other degenerative illnesses! These days even an unborn baby, tucked inside his/her mother’s placenta, is not totally safe from man-made toxins. This is because Nature made no provision for defence against poisons such as, for example, dioxin and formaldehyde, but only for natural toxic substances.
 The often ignored truth is that we cannot keep eating the unnatural diet of our so-called civilized Western world and expect to enjoy ongoing health and vitality. In fact, barring accidental injuries and death, the foods we choose to eat, the beverages we drink, the substances we absorb through our skin, the air we breathe, as well as the lifestyle we adopt, will usually determine the future state of our health and how long we will live. Here, I would like to clarify what I mean by a ‘natural diet’. As far as nutrition is concerned, the adjective ‘natural’ means ‘beneficial to our health’, not just grown without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Poisonous plants, for example, are very much natural, but some of them can make us very sick or ‘very dead’! On the other hand, an ‘unnatural’ diet, is a diet which Nature never meant for us to eat.
Through the evolutionary process, Nature gave our ancestors everything they needed to stay in good health, and (barring accidents) to die of natural causes at the end of a long, active life. Every form of life fits perfectly in Nature’s evolutionary scheme, except humans. Our physiological and anatomical characteristics clearly show that we were meant to eat mainly fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, as well as a moderate amount of grains; but not animal flesh - let alone cooked animal flesh! In fact, it doesn’t take a genius to understand that if we were meant to feed on this kind of diet, Nature would have equipped us with powerful sharp claws for slashing and holding our prey, as well as strong jaws, and sharply pointed teeth suitable for the tearing and cutting of flesh. Nor were we meant to drink any kind of animal milk after our weaning months. The carbohydrates we were meant to eat were complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, beans, brown rice and wholemeal flour - not simple ones like, for example, white and brown sugar, white flour, and white rice. Also we were meant to drink fresh, running water, not alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and oxygen and mineral-depleted bottled water, Furthermore, we were meant to go to bed early in the evening and rise with the sun in the morning, breathe fresh, unpolluted air, as well as to be physically active, not to sit in front of the TV and/or computer screen for hours. Finally, we weren’t meant to treat our stomachs like mixing bowls by gulping down different foods in one meal! The truth is that we have broken almost all the laws in the book of Nature! Of course there are exceptions as, for example, the Vilcabambans, Hunzas, Peruvians, Georgians, and other centenarians of the world, whose general good health and longevity is the result of them following Nature, not going against it! Here, it is significant to note, that when any of these people emigrate to Western countries, sooner or later they will contract the same illnesses which afflict most Westerners.
Will people eventually come to their senses and stop ignoring, and/or interfering with Nature’s nutrition and health laws? And even more importantly, will the world’s governments put an end to the criminally insane destruction of the natural environment before it is too late? After all, if drastic environmental measures aren’t taken soon, everything else (including our health) will lose all its importance. Figuratively speaking, it will be as futile as re-arranging the chairs on the deck of the sinking Titanic! I, for one, would like to be optimistic but, all considered, I cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel.
Early Humans And Their Diets
The diet and lifestyle of the cave person or ancient hunter- gatherer is probably the best example we can use to help us understand our nutritional requirements as human beings. After all, there has been little change to our bodies (in a genetic, physiological and anatomical sense) since that time. Most unfortunately for our health, the same certainly cannot be said about our food and environment! In fact, in view of today’s generally badly polluted water and air, depleted soil, chemically grown vegetables and fruits, the use of pesticides, toxic additives, wrong picking time, inadequate storage methods, and the irradiation process, it is a miracle so many people managed to survive. (Here, it should be understood that ‘surviving’ or ‘getting by’ isn’t the same thing as living a healthy and productive life!)
Nature takes a great deal of time to make changes. Humans. on the other hand, can make radical changes in lifestyle, behaviour and diet, in the space of a generation or two. This is much too fast to expect our bodies and digestive systems to adjust and adapt themselves biologically. So, what did hunter-gatherers eat? Given their primitive environment and conditions, It’s fair to assume that these people ate a very simple diet of fresh food, most of which would have been eaten raw on the spot. Theirs would have been a relatively mono diet. In other words, when they came to a fruit tree, they probably sat down and ate only that type of fruit. Also, fruit would have been eaten in season. (Fresh, unsprayed fruit and vegetables are extremely rich in vitamins, especially Vitamin C.)
No doubt they liked variety, but they would not have had the opportunity to combine as many foods at one sitting as modern man does. With a simple selection of enzyme-rich food, their digestive system would have operated superbly. Whenever possible, they probably caught reptiles and small game. This would have been eaten fresh with most of the animal consumed. Meat was an occasional treat, rather than the bulk of the diet.
Of course, this hypothetically idyllic lifestyle was not easy. Early humans had to contend with starvation, predators and accidents, which no doubt took a great toll. However, from the nutritional point of view, their food intake was potentially as near to perfect as we can get. Other positive factors which greatly contributed to the cave people’s health were plenty of exercise and fresh air, and a relatively worry-free life. Let’s now briefly consider what three experts have to say about primitive humans and their daily diets:
As S. Boyd Eaton, M.D., author of The Paleolithic Prescription, and adjunct associate professor of anthropology at Emery University in Atlanta, wrote: “For millions of years our ancestors evolved on diets of plants and very lean wild game".
“Our ancestors consumed three or more times the amount of plant foods we do - about nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables versus the average American of three or four", says Susan Krebs-Smith, Ph.D., research nutritionist at the National Cancer Institute in Bethusda, Maryland.
Dennis Burkitt M.D., world renowned researcher on human nutrition, explains that Western diets have changed more through the processed food industry over the last few generations, than through the entire history of mankind. Genetically and structurally, modern Man's body is the same as early Man, yet what we eat is radically different. In modern society, suffering from preventable illness and chronic disease is considered the 'norm'. A constantly increasing number of Westerners die from totally avoidable heart disease and cancer. Nature never intended us to process high-protein foods. Anthropological research shows that our ancestors had at their disposition a variety of edible plants 80 to 160 times larger than we have now. No wonder degenerative diseases are crippling or killing more and more people worldwide!
When we examine the cave people’s primitive diet we cannot fail to realize how much healthier it was than ours! Firstly, their food was gathered fresh. This meant that it was just at the right stage for eating. This is a far cry from our early picking and artificial ripening techniques which mean that nutrients don’t develop fully. In fact, some nutritionists estimate that a fresh organically grown tomato provides around 1 gram of Vitamin C. The fact is that these days we are lucky to get 50mg (1/20th of a gram) from an artificially ripened and stored tomato! (This goes to prove that Nutrient Charts are unreliable, as the figures they show refer to ideally grown, ripened, and stored products, not to those which we actually end up eating. And this situation doesn’t apply only to fruit and vegetables, but to everything else we eat and/or drink.) We can see the dramatic difference in the nutritional value of this food in accordance with the growing and harvesting techniques. Fresh food eaten at the right time is also packed with natural enzymes. Enzymes are the important catalysts for the digestion and metabolism of our food. Food without enzymes is devitalised food. Because enzymes, like many vitamins, are unstable, nearly all are lost in stored fruits and vegetables.
We have already a picture of the vast difference in the quality of nutrition between early man and our present day, and we have only just begun. There were no refrigerators in ancient times, so there was little food storage. Our ancestors had only limited opportunity to cook their food, much of which was raw and packed with live enzymes. Cooking destroys these enzymes, most enzymes are destroyed at about 60° C. - and food without enzymes is dead food!. Because of that, the cooking stove has very much been a curse people have inflicted upon themselves. More about this topic later.
With a few exceptions, our pre-historical ancestors ate meals in an unhurried and relaxed way. After all, they had little else to do. Food was a major priority in their life and they were going to enjoy it. In this relaxed state, their cardiovascular system would direct the blood supply to the abdomen, and their digestion was near perfect. There is little comparison here with us today. With the exception of rich, tasty meals, food is truly low priority stuff. Our taste buds are the only consideration. The stressed state that most of us operate in means that there is always some adrenaline ‘pumping’ through the system. And when this happens, our blood is directed away from the digestive areas and into the muscles in preparation for all of our little emergencies. This means poor digestion, indigestion, fermentation, bloating, flatulence, and eventually illness. The caveman theory would be wonderful if it could be applied to our everyday lives. Unfortunately, technology has not permitted this to happen. Environmental pollution, the convenience of fast foods, worries, and stress, to name but a few curses of our modern times, have changed our eating habits for the worse, thus making us easier targets for all kinds of degenerative illnesses!
Optimum Nutrition
There is little doubt that one of the most serious health problems in the world is malnutrition. When most people hear the word ‘malnutrition’, they automatically think about undernourishment and the Third World Countries. But the word malnutrition literally means ‘bad’ nourishment. The unsung truth, in fact, is that affluent nations are even more afflicted with malnutrition than most of the poor ones. Some people in poor countries get sick and die because don’t have enough to eat, while in most rich countries, millions of people shorten their lives because they eat unnatural (and, therefore, unhealthy) food on a daily basis. In the U.S., for example, a very large number of people contract all sorts of degenerative diseases, also referred to as ‘man-made diseases‘ or ‘diseases of affluence’. Here, it is significant to note that people from a poor country who emigrate to an affluent one, do so at a great risk for their own health. The trouble with nutrition in the so-called advanced countries is that there the great majority of people feed themselves on the principle of ‘palatability’; that is, the purpose of their diets is to satisfy their ‘taste buds’, not to properly nourish them. In other words, ‘they live to eat’, instead of ‘eating to live’!
Having said the above, what is generally meant by the expressions correct nutrition, good nutrition, natural nutrition or optimum nutrition? Of course, this question can be answered in quite a few different ways, depending on a person’s age, profession, level of physical and mental activity, body chemistry, geographical position, and environmental factors, etc. There are quite a few answers to this question, one of which being: ‘a nutrition which supplies, on a regular basis, the correct amount of essential fats, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fibre, water, oxygen, and sunlight’. Unfortunately, the great majority of people, either don’t get enough of the above nutrients, or they get them from the wrong types of foods or drinks. Here, I think it is important to understand that a daily diet cannot rightly be called ‘good’, ‘correct’, ‘optimum’, or ‘natural’, unless it is concordant with the human physiological, anatomical, and structural bodily characteristics which the process of evolution has endowed humankind with!
Another thing which is important to know about nutrition is that it should consist mainly of foods which contain at least 70% of water (fruit and vegetables), and only about 30% concentrated foods, such as dried beans, grains, nuts, etc. Even carnivorous animals know this nutritional fact. This is why they normally eat only animals that are plant-and fruit-eaters. This is a topic to which I will return to further on.
 Many studies and researches conducted in the last 20-30 years have proved, beyond any reasonable doubt, that degenerative illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, arthritis, obesity, osteoporosis, etc., are very much nutrition-related illnesses. Despite all that, the great majority of people will irrationally cling to their unhealthy, long-established eating habits and lifestyle even if it kills them, and often it does! Sure enough, most people are willing to take pills and other supplements, but will not change their diets. Of course, the right kind of natural supplementation can be quite useful, but it isn’t a substitute for a well-balanced daily diet. That is, the practice of ingesting junk foods and soft drinks regularly, and then taking vitamins and minerals, is certainly not going to be conducive to good health and longevity!
Some Widespread Unnatural Practices
As we have already seen above, by comparing our anatomical and physiological characteristics with those of both carnivores/omnivores and frugivores, we can get a very good idea of which type of diet we are supposed to be eating. And by doing so, we will be able to find out the difference/s between those foods and drinks which are concordant with our physiological traits rather than those we have ‘acquired a taste for’! For many reasons, human beings have bowed to their ‘taste buds’ and started going against Nature, since they developed enough brain power to do so; but during the past 100 years or so, things on the nutrition front have generally gone from bad to worse, and not in the field of nutrition alone! Genetically-modifying natural products, feeding babies artificial milk, force-growing and ripening fruits and vegetables artificially, irradiating foods, using inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, manufacturing excitotoxins and other artificial additives, food processing, as well as polluting and systematically destroying the natural environment, are all examples of modern Man’s anti-Nature activities! From a nutritional point of view, the unnatural practice of over-processing most of our food by either heating it up, irradiating it, and/or loading it with all kinds of artificial additives, has seriously undermined the nutritional value of almost all foods and drinks found on the shelves of supermarkets and other grocery stores. Here, I am not denying that some processing is necessary for various reasons; but I am just pointing out the highly negative effect most food processing has on the food we eat. Let’s take rice, for example. The white rice we see in Chinese restaurants was once a whole grain, referred to as brown rice, which contained many vitamins, and trace minerals, before it was polished off and lost about 75% of these important nutrients. It also lost most of its fibre content, and many studies have proved that lack of fibre can lead to constipation, haemorrhoids, diverticulitis, varicose veins, hiatus hernia, heart disease, and obesity. The high amount of fibre contained in brown rice and other whole grains is known to lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, as well as many digestive problems. White rice isn’t a different type of rice, like many people seem to believe, but wholegrain rice in which the bran and germ have been removed. White rice is ‘dead’ rice and, unlike brown rice, it cannot be sprouted. Yet the overwhelming majority of rice-eaters, worldwide, buy white rice instead of brown. This must greatly please the rice suppliers who make twice the profit by selling white and brown rice at a similar price, plus making more money by separately selling ‘rice bran’ - one of the parts taken away during the processing. Of course, what applies to rice applies also to wheat and other types of grains. Once again, we have another example of how going against Nature is detrimental to our health. Nature has provided all its creatures with everything they need to stay healthy, but human beings, in their “wisdom”, have too often seen fit to pervert Nature’s laws of nutrition, thus causing themselves many illnesses and drastically shortening their lifespan!
Another worldwide anti-natural practice is milk pasteurization, which may serve the purpose of destroying harmful microorganisms, but is likely to change and/or destroy the molecular structure of certain important nutrients. As it happens, we were not meant to drink cows’ milk, as it was only meant for pre-weaned calves. In fact, we are the only members of the Animal Kingdom who have acquired the habit of drinking the milk from other species of mammals. Bad as this practice is, it is not as harmful to our health as drinking processed cows’ milk. For example, pasteurization comprises the heating of raw milk up to 60 degrees Celsius, and this heat is enough, not only to destroy enzymes, but to change the status of the minerals found in milk, from organic to inorganic. Raw milk contains a high amount of calcium; but only a low amount can be absorbed from processed milk. Furthermore, as that which can be absorbed is inorganic, it has a low bio-availability. The many dangers of consuming processed animal-derived milk and dairy products, on a regular basis, will be fully shown in a later section of this book.
As already mentioned above, Nature gave our ancestors everything they needed to stay healthy, and (barring accidents) to die of natural causes. But, from about 100 years ago to the present time (2019), humans have alienated themselves from Nature and its laws, with disastrous consequences for both them and the natural environment. For example, because our unnatural agricultural practice, which have depleted our soils of the vital minerals necessary to the healthy growth of fruits and vegetables, many chemicals (some of which quite toxic) are added to them during the growing and processing stages. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables, are often picked before they are ripe and have developed their full content of vitamins and minerals. Storage also reduces their nutritional value, and the long shipping and storage time between harvest and selling reduces nutrient content even further. As a result, most fruits and vegetables sold in commercial establishments today are nutritionally depleted. This is why these days we need 10 servings of vegetables to obtain the nutritional equivalent of 1 serving from 50 years ago!
Bad as the above unnatural (to say the least) practises are, nothing can compare with the horrors of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). This criminally insane practice is diametrically opposed to everything Nature stands for! And the only reason multinational companies, and the world’s puppet governments that support them, are aiming at genetically modifying almost every edible produce in the world, is their unending lust for more and more colossal profits! “Disgusting” is one of the condemnable adjectives that comes to mind whenever the term GMO is thought, seen and/or heard! The deliberately ignored truth is that GMOs are harmful for our bodies, the community, farming, and the natural environment. Briefly put, these man-made aberrations of Nature have not as yet been proved to be safe to eat; in countries such as the USA, items that contain GMOs are unlabeled; once the mutant genes are released, there is no going back; GMOs are certainly not the answer for global food security; GMOs require massive amounts of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides; and finally, biotech companies have very questionable track records - but then again, this is what can be expected from organizations that want to patent the world’s food supply!
We have already seen some of the dire consequences of ‘mad cow disease’, DDT, asbestos, PCBs, nuclear energy, BSE, and xenoextrogens. Once released, the new organisms made by genetic engineering can interact with other forms of life, reproduce, transfer their characteristics, and mutate in response to environmental influences. After their release, GMOs cannot be recalled or controlled. The only testing being conducted are by scientists who are working for the giant Biotech companies that produce these anti-Nature aberrations, and will benefit enormously from the acceptance of gene technology. In a truly civilized world, horrors such as, for example, food irradiation and genetically modified organisms would not be permitted, nor would ‘dioxin’ - a terrible poison and known carcinogen, which affect both the reproductive and immune systems. Dioxin, which is a by-product of the infamous Agent Orange, is a known carcinogen that adversely affects both the reproductive and immune systems. Apparently, this terrible substance is found in milk which is packaged in chlorine bleached paper cartons. And three glasses of milk, even from cartons that have been lined with plastic, contain more dioxin than the recommended allowance. Dioxin is known to have caused both mutagenic and carcinogenic changes in animals. (No wonder there are so many defective births in the world!)
The Fountain Of Youth
The Fountain of Youth is a legendary spring that reputedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters. Tales of such a fountain have been recounted across the world for thousands of years, and have appeared in many writings from the time of Herodotus onwards. The term Fountain of Youth has been (and is) used whenever some alleged rejuvenating foods, drinks, and/or exercises are mentioned and recommended. Unfortunately, like so many other myths, the truth about this fountain is that there has never been such a thing! To put it another way, we all have to die. But I don’t agree that death is a part of life, because when death comes, there no longer is any life - life and death are as mutually exclusive as hot and cold, light and dark. The bottom line is that, no matter what our daily diet and lifestyle are, no matter how much physical exercise we do, no matter in which country we live, or what our jobs are, we all die one day! However, statistically, inveterate meat-eaters, processed cows’ milk gulpers, cake-lovers, soft-drink, alcohol and tobacco addicts, as well as those who cook all their foods and conduct a sedentary life, have very little or no chance at all of reaching their 100th birthday. But, barring accidental deaths, people who eschew all (or even most) of these unnatural and harmful substances and practices, can live up to fifty years more than the biblical ‘three score and ten’ saying.
People around the world waste billions of dollars on supposedly anti-aging diets, face and body creams, pills, tablets, herbs, plastic surgery, and “miraculous” anti-aging, anti-wrinkle potions, and rejuvenating concoctions. But the unpalatable truth is the process of aging, with all its tell-tale signs, cannot be stopped - but only retarded to various extents and degrees. The good news, however, is if we abide by Nature’s nutritional laws we will have a real chance to “die healthy” at a ripe old age. (For those who have never heard of this seemingly self- contradictory expression, it refers to people, of great age, who go to bed without any signs or symptoms of disease, and just die in their sleep.) To be sure, especially in the leading industrialized countries, ‘dying healthy’ is a very rare occurrence indeed, as people die mostly from diseases such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, liver failure, diabetes, etc. And they die at a much younger age than they should. Of course, even in these countries, a small minority of people are constitutionally stronger and have managed to survive up to ninety or even one hundred years; but the great majority of them certainly cannot be called healthy - one has only to visit a nursing home for the aged in order to realize the full extent of the damage caused to their general health and appearance, by estranging themselves from Nature’s health and nutritional laws. Here what I mean is that it is futile to live up to 110 years or more, if we are without most of our physical and mental faculties.
Thanks to the medical advances in the treatment of acute diseases made in the last 100-odd years, most of the devastating epidemics of previous centuries are no longer a problem. Furthermore, because of the marvels of modern surgery, some people have had their life-spans substantially extended. But all this medical expertise is certainly not an indication that, as a whole, people are fit and healthy. One has only to consult the world’s health statistics to realize that the incidence of degenerative illnesses (as well as congenital ones) is constantly growing - and people keep dying younger, especially people of the so-called advanced nations. And the great majority of those who manage to reach a ripe old age, have lost most of their mental and physical faculties. In other words, they are a far cry from the Vilcabambans and other world’s ultra-centenarians, who still work in their fields, walk for long distances, are sexually active and mentally sound! As I have already mentioned above, those few people - especially in Western countries - who manage to celebrate their 100th birthday, do so despite their unnatural diets. And it is most likely that, had they been eating healthy, they would have lived another ten years or more! For example, the few regular smokers, who lived 100 years or more, could most probably have lived another twenty years had they stayed away from tobacco smoking!
Growing old is a natural process, which is dreaded by the overwhelming majority of people worldwide - whether they are prepared to admit it or not. Sadly, there is no known efficient remedy of any kind that can stop, let alone turn back, the clock! The only thing we can do is to try to retard this process. Unfortunately, in our modern overpopulated and highly polluted environment, this is easier said than done. Also, what makes everything worse, is the fact that time - or more accurately, our ‘perception’ of time - appears to be constantly speeding up. Be that as it may, in the last decade or so much research and studies about the link between diet and lifestyle and their effects on health and longevity have been done. (But, as I have already said above, this vital link has been totally ignored by mainstream medicine.) The result of these studies has generally been that the requirements for optimum health are more or less the same as those for longevity. And what is needed for both is a diet which is:
  • About 75% plant-based
  • Very low in or free of animal fat
  • Very low in or free of dairy products
  • Unprocessed and unrefined
  • Very low in or free of animal protein
  • Very low in or free of refined carbohydrates
  • Rich in fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Rich in complex carbohydrates
  • High in fibre
  • Free of table salt, refined sugar, and alcohol
  • Very low in caffeine
  • Properly balanced in the ratio of acidic to alkaline
  • Free of chemicals and pesticides
  • Free of additives
  • Properly combined
  • Consists of at least 50% raw foods
  • High in water content
  • Low glycemic
  • Anti-inflammatory.
This is more or less the correct diet we are supposed to eat on a regular basis, or at least as close as possible to it! But, unfortunately for their health, and the health of their progeny, the horrendous health statistics coming from most affluent Western nations, in particular, are unquestionable proof that the typical nutritional habits of the overwhelming majority of people are as unnatural as they are unhealthy! This is because their daily diets are:
  • High in fat and animal protein
  • High in refined sugar
  • High in processed starches
  • High in refined salt
  • High in soft drinks
  • High in dairy products
  • High in refined flour
  • High in artificial stimulant
  • Very low in fruit and vegetables
  • Low in complex carbohydrates
  • Low in fibre
  • Lacking in pure water and other healthy drinks
  • Very low in raw food
  • Badly unbalanced in its acid/alkaline ratio
  • High in condiments, caffeine, and alcoholic beverages
  • Contaminated by food additives and pesticides
  • Wrongly combined when it comes to those food combinations which are compatible with each other.
Here some people may think that, if the state of general health in Western countries were as bad as I say, many more people would be dead by now. I don’t think one has to be a genius to understand why this didn’t happen. I could write a whole article on this topic, but, briefly, those people who eat junk food on a regular basis, and still manage to survive past the Biblical ‘three scores and ten’, manage to do so for two main reasons: a) Nature has endowed us with a tremendous amount of elasticity, tolerance, and adaptability; and b) especially because of the astonishing progress of modern surgery - primarily in organ transplant - quite a few victims of one or more degenerative illnesses can be ‘patched-up’ so that they can survive longer. Here I use the verb ‘to survive’ instead of ‘to live’, because it is unlikely they can regain their former health. Incidentally, there are others branches of modern orthodox medicine which have saved many lives.
Be that as it may, even the healthiest diets and supplementations in the world won’t be completely successful unless they are complemented by an adequate amount of moderate physical exercise. Research has shown that a regular exercise programme helps the body avoid stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, muscle weakness, memory loss, depression, stress, anxiety, nervous tension, immune system problems, prostate problems, sexual problems, high cholesterol levels, weight gain, and other ailments. Walking, jogging, dancing, bowling, sparring, playing tennis, football, and golf, as well as gymnastics, swimming, and weight training, are all forms of exercise which will complement a healthy diet and supplementation. Apart from the said physical exercises, there are the ‘internal exercises’, which are very important because they protect, heal, and energize the vital internal organs. A few examples of these exercises are: Reflexology, Yoga, The Tibetan Rites, and Tai Chi.
Having said all the above, I don’t think many people seriously believe in the Fountain of Youth, as the grim reality is that we all have to die sooner or later - no matter how healthy is our daily diet and lifestyle. However, if we follow Nature, and put into practice the saying ‘we must eat to live, not live to eat’, we will increase our chances, not only to reach a ripe old age, but to retain most of our faculties up to the end! American Dr. N. W. Walker, D. Sc., Ph. D. and prolific writer on nutrition and health, was a living proof of the great many health benefits of a raw vegan diet. Thousands upon thousands of people credit Dr. Walker's live-vegetable-juice therapy for healing them of "incurable" diseases. This great man died peacefully in his bed at the age of 109! By comparison, Dr Robert Atkins - U.S. well-known author of many books on nutrition and diet - was the exact opposite of Dr Walker. He advocated a diet rich in beef, pork, chicken, turkey, duck, butter, lard, cheese, cow’s milk, eggs, and other fat-rich, very unhealthy foods. As it was to be expected, Dr. Atkins dropped dead of chronic congestive heart failure at only 72 - and it is a miracle how he managed to reach even this age! Unfortunately, he took his own advice on nutrition too seriously, and so did millions of Americans - no wonder in the U.S. many more people die from cardio-vascular diseases than in any other country!
Do Vegetarians get Cancer and other Diseases?
There is no doubt that being a vegetarian can substantially reduce the risk of developing most kinds of cancers and other degenerative diseases. But it all depends on what type of vegetarians we are talking about. For the sake of accuracy, let’s now briefly consider the various types of modern ‘vegetarians’. Broadly speaking, a vegetarian is a person who, for ethical or health reasons (or both), excludes all meat, fish, and poultry from his/her daily diet. Outside that, there are quite a few variations of vegetarianism.
The ‘lacto-ovo’ vegetarians exclude all meat, fish and other sweet and salty water creatures, as well as poultry, and wild game birds, from their diets; but consume milk, cheese, other dairy products, as well as eggs. Those who eat eggs, but no dairy products are referred to as ‘ovo’ vegetarians - and vegetarians who don’t consume eggs, but drink cows’ or goat’s milk and eat other dairy foods, are called ‘lacto’ vegetarians. From an ethical and moral point of view, lacto, ovo and lacto-ovo vegetarians are to be admired. But, unfortunately for their health, many of them tend to consume too many eggs, milk and other dairy products; thus ingesting far too much animal fat and “bad” cholesterol. Furthermore, many lacto-ovo vegetarians develop a ‘sweet tooth’ as well. Despite their unhealthy diet, they keep deluding themselves that, just because they don’t eat any kind of animal flesh, they will stay healthy. They don’t seem to realize that as long as they keep drinking cows’ milk (especially, processed), eating cheese and other dairy products, sugar and sugar-ridden food and beverages, they are ‘sitting ducks’. That is, speaking figuratively, any degenerative illness can take a shot at them! I have personally known lacto-ovo vegetarians who were comparatively unhealthier than some moderate meat-eaters. Regarding chicken eggs, they should be eaten in moderation, and should come only from free-range, organically fed chickens. Eggs fried in oil are quite unhealthy for two main reasons: a) even the best oils become rancid, especially when heated. High heat applied to oil during frying turns them into hydrocarbons that can cause cancer, as well as hardening of the arteries; b) when heated up proteins coagulate and denaturize. In the case of egg white, a gel is formed when heath is applied. This coagulation of protein can be seen on a macroscopic level whenever eggs are fried.
The only healthy way to eat eggs is row. However, soft-boiled or steamed eggs are all right if eaten in moderation.
 These days a growing number of vegetarians seem to be embracing a ‘vegan’ diet. True vegans avoid all animal products in their daily meals. Of course, being their diet much healthier than all others, they are less likely to contract cancer or most other degenerative diseases. However, even the strictest vegans can develop certain cancers and other diseases, if they ingest a large quantity of cooked grain and other starchy foods, cook almost all their foods, don’t eat enough raw fruit and vegetables, don’t drink enough fresh fruit and vegetable juices,
and eat refined sugar and sugar-ridden foods on a daily basis. Some methods of cooking are unhealthier than other. For example, boiled, fried, roasted, and barbequed food (not only will lose many valuable nutrients) but can produce dangerous carcinogens. Much more will be said on cooked foods in general in a next chapter of this book.
In order to avoid developing cancer and other degenerative diseases, even strict vegans should know whether their daily food is acidic, alkaline, or a combination of both. As we will see in an upcoming chapter, cancer and other diseases thrive in an acidic and anaerobic (oxygen-lacking) bodily environment, but they cannot survive in an alkaline and aerobic (oxygen-rich) conditions. As a rule, animal-based foods are acidic, while plant-based ones are often alkaline. However, some of the latter are acidic too. Here I am referring to grains, beer, coffee, sweetened fruit juices, liquors, black tea, pickled and canned vegetables, processed sugar, processed honey, peanuts, frozen vegetables, mushrooms, white bread, white rice, white flour, white pasta, roasted nuts, etc. Fruit such as strawberries, pineapples, plums, pomegranates, are also acidic. Incidentally, although citrus fruits are acidic, they change into alkaline after they have been digested - so, they are referred to as alkaline-forming fruits. Here I am not saying we should avoid all acidic foods, but reduce their daily intake to only about 30% of our daily diet. Incidentally, whenever we cook any kind of alkaline fruit or vegetable, it will turn acidic.
Returning to lacto-ovo vegetarians such as, for example, the Seventh-Day Adventists, a well-documented U.S. survey has established that they have a prostate cancer mortality rate 30% lower than the other American men. This seems to be an indication that, just by eliminating meat from their daily diet, many men could avoid contracting prostate cancer. Of course, as I have already mentioned above, they also would have to substantially reduce the intake of chicken eggs and stop drinking cow’s milk and eat any other dairy products.
The unpalatable (for some people) truth is that if we want to achieve the highest possible immunity from cancer and other man-made illnesses, we need to become ‘raw food vegetarians’. That is, we should drink plenty of fresh vegetable and fruit juice, eat as much raw food as we possibly can, eschew meat of all kinds, stay away from cow’s milk (especially processed cow’s milk), and other dairy products, as well as refined sugar and other processed single carbohydrates, soft drinks, highly processed and junk foods, coffee, and alcohol. In other words, we should live in complete accordance with Nature’s laws of optimum nutrition - laws which are as old as the world itself, and fit our anatomical and physiological characteristics like a glove! It should be of comfort to us to know that the great majority of people who have done just that have been rewarded with a disease-free, productive and very long life!
I would like to end this section on vegetarianism by quoting Doctor of Science, Norman W. Walker (already mentioned earlier in this chapter), who said: “It is sometimes remarked that vegetarians are not particularly a good example of health and vitality. The reason is that these people have merely eliminated meat, fish, and fowl from their diet, but they consume instead vast quantities of grain and starchy foods. Often they cook all or most of their vegetables, and do not drink enough, if any, fresh vegetable juices, or do they consume enough fruit. On such a diet it is virtually impossible to have a healthy body overflowing with energy and vitality.”
Genetic Inheritance
Disregarding those people who believe in ‘predestination’, the ‘luck of the draw’, ‘ten score and ten’, ‘one’s time being up’, and other unscientific propositions, I am going to briefly examine the ‘genetic inheritance’ effect/s on certain persons. Let’s see what Dr T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. (a veritable giant in the field of nutrition science!) has to say about this topic: “Genes do not determine diseases on their own. Genes function only by being activated, or ‘expressed’, and nutrition plays a critical role in determining which genes, good and bad, are expressed”. Put in another way, what Dr Campbell is really saying is that genetic predisposition exists, in some cases, but it doesn’t determine disease, unless our “bad” genes have been activated. And the things that activate these disease promoting genes are: ‘an unnatural daily diet and lifestyle’, as well as ‘harmful environmental factors’’ such as, dioxins, PCBs, formaldehyde, pesticides, radiation and industrial waste, just to mention a few. What most people are probably unaware of, is that without genes there wouldn’t be any life, as our genes are the code of everything in our bodies, whether useful or downright harmful. Unfortunately, medical schools and universities have been trying hard to integrate every scientific discipline under the all-embracing umbrella of genetic research. Much of this emphasis on genes and genetics deliberately misses the fact that if genes are not biochemically activated, or expressed, they are harmless; that is, they have absolutely no effect on our health! At this point, inquisitive readers will want to know the reason why medical schools have been attributing almost all diseases to genetics. Well, if you haven’t as yet found the answer to this question, I am going to satisfy your curiosity. You see, what makes our modern, highly mercenary, ‘dog-eat-dog’ world isn’t love, truth, or justice, but money! Therefore, if medical schools, universities and other similar institutions were telling the truth to their students; that is, if they taught that the overwhelming majority of today’s diseases have dietary and environmental causes, the giant pharmaceutical and food industries would eventually stand to lose billions (maybe even trillions) of dollars!
Returning to genetics, our good genes can be compared with plant seeds - and as any good gardener knows, seeds won’t grow into healthy plants unless they have nutrient-rich soil, water, and sunshine. In our body, nutrition is the environmental factor that determines the activity of genes. As Dr Campbell and the other members of the famous China Study scientific research found out, the genes that cause cancer are deeply impacted by the consumption of protein. Also, the research findings showed that people who have similar genes get different diseases, depending on their environment. Be that as it may, the unsung truth about genetics is that, regardless of our genes, we can all increase our chances of expressing our “good” genes by giving our bodies the best possible kind of nutrition.
Many people blame their poor health on genetic inheritance. But the truth is that, more often than not, genetic reasons have little or nothing to do with their good health or lack of it. To put it another way, that which is generally blamed on genetics is nothing more than bad eating and drinking habits passed down from parents to their children. For example, more often than not, fat children are so because (barring some glandular dysfunctions), their parents fed them fattening foods. In any case, the genetic propensity for most hereditary diseases can be neutralized by adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle. Frankly, I have always been very sceptical about the alleged importance of genetic inheritance. In fact, more often than not, the only genetic inheritance from parents to their progenies are looks, as well as other physical attributes, and sometimes, intellectual and moral characteristics as well. I think it is important to understand that the genes people inherit from their parents are not at all the most important factors in determining whether they will manage to avoid any of today’s degenerative diseases. Therefore, they need not spend sleepless nights worrying about developing cancer, or any other illness which may ‘run’ in their families. That is, as long as they continue (or start) following Nature’s laws of optimum nutrition! As a final word on this topic, we should do our very best to prevent disease, as prevention is always preferable to cure. In any case, most causes of diseases cannot be removed, and normally only their effects can be controlled and mitigated.
Link to the next chapter Chapter 2: Did Biological Evolution Turn Humans Into Omnivores?



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